Monday, May 2, 2011

New Routines and Accomplishments

Now that we've had Scarlett a few days, she is slowly settling in to life in her new home, and she just can't get enough of her two admirers. The girls follow her around everywhere and when I tell them to go find Scarlett, they immediately go to her kennel and pet her. This morning, I found Claire standing up trying to stuff Caroline's duck into the kennel for Scarlett.

Claire loves to find Scarlett and tell her, "Good morning!"

Our other dog, Jack, seems unimpressed with Scarlett and barely notices her, but that's pretty typical of how he interacts with other dogs. She will try to engage him to play with her, but he'll have none of it. He's just an old man who can't be bothered with a young teenager!

In other news...this weekend, Claire decided to finally let go and took a good nine or ten steps on her own! Then last night, she walked from the coffee table to Scarlett's cage on her own. As Claire is getting closer and closer to taking off on her own, Caroline is quickly catching up and is now able to walk around furniture fairly well on her own. Although she has been a little more behind Claire physically, she does progress more quickly than Claire does, so she'll catch her soon enough!

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