Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dinner Time = Fun Time!

The girls are doing a great job of feeding themselves (finally!) all kinds of foods - last night we had a smorgasbord of fruit - blueberries, strawberries, and grapes. I'm so excited about the upcoming spring and summer fruit season - so many great choices to give the girls! During dinner, the girls have a really fun time, but they do a good job of still eating and behaving well, so a little fun never hurt anyone!

Claire's latest "thing" is that she makes fists with her hands and starts madly waving her arms up and down...basically she looks like a bird about to take off. If you mirror her and wave your arms too, she loves that and it makes her wave them faster. She also shuts her eyes when I take pictures now, so she looks like she is concentrating on something here in this picture:

Wait a minute! There's something in my bib!

Back to the flapping...
Taking a break from all the flying to eat a blueberry...

And back to's just too much fun!

Come on, everyone join in!

Caroline usually watches Claire in amusement, but as soon as Claire starts flapping, Caroline bobs her head up and down really quickly, but it was kind of hard to get a picture of that!

Dinnertime is just TOO much fun!

All this laughing has done me in!

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