Saturday, June 2, 2012

Petting Zoo

Last week, I joined a mom's group in the area, and now I have the choice of so many activities to attend with the girls.  This group is really active; I can attend an event almost every day of the week if I want to.  So far, we've met up at the park, gone to library story time, and then today, we attended the Lake Travis Library Summer Kickoff, complete with petting zoo, face painting, and balloon animals.  This little petting zoo was set up really nicely - they had the kids come in and sit on stools, then hold a blanket on their lap to put the animals.  The girls mostly held the bunnies and guinea pigs, but they had a hedgehog, turtle, iguana, and chicks.  Their laps were pretty small, so the animals mostly slid off unless one of us helped hold them.  Caroline was so thrilled to hold the bunny!

 Claire was equally fond of this sweet floppy-eared bunny - it was really sliding off her lap, but it didn't try to jump down or move at all.

 Claire was giving her bunny a nice massage.
 Caroline got to hold the little guinea pig too!

 Claire is thinking of ways she can take her bunny home.
 Claire really preferred the black and white guinea pig, but it was definitely more wiggly and was sliding down her legs.
 Not sure if this bunny is going to stay on or not - but Caroline made sure it didn't slide off.
Oddly enough, the girls weren't scared at all of the animals, but once we got to the front of the face-painting line (after waiting 10 minutes, thanks girls), they didn't want to have any part of that.  Overall, it was a fun morning and we got to find out about some great library activities for the summer! 

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