It was a challenge to take pictures because we each had one of the girls in our arms while trying to take a picture with the other hand. But, we managed to capture a few fun moments in spite of the juggling. Caroline was pretty unsure about all those goats roaming around, but I do think it helped that they have been around Jack (our dog) so much and are at least used to animals in general. She wasn't too eager to reach out and touch them at first, but warmed up after being there for a little while.
Claire, on the other hand, reached out and wanted to touch the goats, the deer, the sheep, and especially the llama. It was pretty tall, but just her size when I held her.
It really made a difference that they could stand and see the animals at eye level. Claire couldn't believe all the goats! 
Last but not least, my FAVORITE part of the day was the tiny piglet. For years I have had a love affair with little piglets, and even wanted to own one for a long time. Even our dog looks kind of like a pig, and this one was just pint-size and the cutest thing you've ever seen (well, next to the girls). I did get a little reprimand for picking it up (apparently I wasn't supposed to), but it was worth it! It did quite a bit of oinking when I picked it up, but it was so cute and just made the trip up there completely worth it. If anyone needs a Christmas gift idea for me, now you know.
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