When I was pregnant, many people loved giving me advice on what to buy and not to buy. I listened to some of it, and much of the rest, I just took with a grain of salt. I do regret taking one piece of advice from a grandmother of twins. She said that I should only buy one of all the big gear because I wouldn't use it and it would take up too much space. I thought that sounded great until I found that my girls LOVE the swing and can stay in it for hours on end. I should have listened to my gut and registered for a second swing, but it didn't happen.
I got by the first few months without a second swing because the girls slept a lot during the day in their cribs. However, in the last month, they have been more awake and want to be up and looking around. I have somehow made it through the last month by putting the second girl in the bouncer, which is great for about 20 minutes, but inevitably, they actually want to be
bounced while sitting in it, requiring my foot or hand to bounce them so they won't get fussy. This doesn't sound too hard unless one is trying to cook dinner or get some work done around the house. So, after weeks of indecision, I looked up "travel swings" on craigslist and found a few that weren't too costly.
So, yesterday afternoon, I met a mom who was selling her used travel swing, and now I'm the proud owner of TWO swings, one regular sized and one travel sized. The travel swing doesn't have the power and "umph" of the regular sized swing, but hey, it works and it was cheap, so I can't complain. So far, Caroline has been enjoying her "new" swing and doesn't seem to mind the slower ride!

Claire still prefers her "first class" swing, and often sleeps or hangs out in here for hours! Both of them put their hands under the big pillow most of the time, making it look like they are riding on an airplane with one of those headrests under them!

Now, both girls can hang out together and swing so that Mommy can get some things done around the house! Even if they only use the swings another month or two, it was well worth the money and time to pick up the second swing! Lesson learned: advice is great, but always listen to your own intuition! :)
The thing about advice from mom's on what/whatnot to buy is that it is TOTALLY different for each person. I personally could not have lived w/out our Bumbo, but I know people who never used theirs. That seems to happen a lot - for example, you would probably highly recommend a swing to people...whereas Cassidy hated the swing and never stayed in one more than 5 minutes. I eventually started borrowing things to see if they worked and bought them if they did (this is a great tool for toys as well!).