I tell the girls all the time that they will always have their choice as to what they want to do in life, but having said that, they will learn to love dogs! I mean, why shouldn't they love dogs, and since we'll always have one in our lives, they need to be comfortable around them and learn how amazing a bond can be between a dog and human. I don't want the girls to be scared of dogs (unless they should be for a reason), so we will be around dogs as much as we can! John and Cassie (my sister/brother-in-law) have two Shih Tzus, Maddie and Lucy, who are much younger and interactive than our older dog, Jack, who sometimes comes up to the girls to lick their feet, but he mostly keeps to himself these days.
When we went out to their house to take our four month old pics, their dogs decided to participate in our photo shoot with the girls. I'm not sure if we had invited them, but they went ahead and joined in the fun anyways. So, as we began our photo shoot, Maddie and Lucy really kept jumping on the couch and smelling the girls. This is Claire's first glimpse of Maddie, and she is not too happy about sharing the camera!

Later, she made peace with Maddie and just decided to ignore her. Maddie was hoping to get one final lick of Claire's hand or arm.

Caroline, however, was delighted to have Lucy participate in her photo shoot. The more, the better! She just wanted to make sure Lucy didn't grab her rattle.

We love dogs and Lucy loves us, too! I loved this shot - I think dogs should be used more in photos - nothing cuter than a dog and a baby! Thanks to Uncle John for shooting all of our great pics, and for Aunt CC for holding us and posing us for our pics. We had a doggone good time and we'll be back soon!
so darling. Lucy was very protective of Ava when we stayed with Cassie & John. So sweet. I want to see four month photo shoot!