Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kids + Tents = FUN!

What is it about kids and tents? Or even old boxes? I remember some of my favorite memories as a child involved playing in an old refrigerator box, my sister and I rolling around while my Dad pushed us. Or, we had this playhouse made of canvas, and we would set it up in the living room and play in there for hours. But most fun of all, making homemade tents under the kitchen table and "hiding" kept us occupied for days on end. For the girls' birthday, a friend bought them these pop-up tents that are animal-shaped and fold up for storage, but every few days, I'll get them out so that the girls can play in them. We set both of them up, each in the girls' rooms, but inevitably, Caroline wants to play in Claire's and they do a good job of sharing the one tent (most of the time). Both girls have their "cheese" ready to go! Peek-a-Boo, Caroline!
We love hanging out in our tent!
Playing roly-poly and bicycle!
Never can have enough rolling!
Of course, the other favorite thing to do in the tents is stack books and read. They also play this game where Claire stays in her tent and Caroline will bend the top of it down and they both start squealing - these tents have really come in handy to provide some fun time indoors and a diversion from the same old toys. I'm sure at some point they will want to sleep in their tents, so we'll probably get a lot of mileage out of these in years to come!

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