Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Table!

The girls received a picnic table for their birthday (a little early), and have been enjoying using it to play with their Play-Doh. The table is really for outside, but we had it in our kitchen for a few days for them to play inside. I showed them how to make caterpillars and balls, and then they loved cutting out circles with cookie cutters. Caroline mostly liked to put the top on and off!
Claire gets very focused on any task she begins - she wouldn't look my way when I called her name for a picture. She's in her creative mode!

Caroline loves sitting at her new table!

Hard at work with that Play Doh!

Even though there are four sides to choose from, the girls inevitably ended up on the same side!

We hope to have many years of picnics, coloring, Play Doh, and lunches out of this table!

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