Friday, April 1, 2011
Where's your Head?
This last week, somehow I figured out that Claire could point out her head. I guess it was when all the trauma happened that maybe it clicked where her head was located. Sometimes when I ask her where her nose is, she puts her hand on her head. Either way, she's doing really well and tries so hard to walk on her own. It's a constant battle because I'm more cautious with her since she is operating with a skull fracture, but I don't want to baby her and fuss too much when she falls. She lets go of things all the time now and thinks she can just start walking off on her own. The other day I was out of the room a second and went in to find her lying on top of Caroline, both crying because apparently a domino effect had happened when I stepped out for a second. She loves sitting up in her crib now and I find her in there laughing a lot early in the morning or during nap time. She grabs her dolly now and calls her "Da," and she says, "Daddy" a lot as well. Not sure where the "Mommy" figures in, but we're working on it. She's independent and carefree, but she has a sweet personality and doesn't seem to get ruffled easily. Caroline will swat at her and push on her and she doesn't really get too bothered, which is a blessing. She seems just very happy and easygoing, but at the same time, can have a will of her own. She's my sunshine and smiles a lot; she makes me laugh because she is goofy and sweet at the same time. She loves to clap and sing and discover all things new.
Caroline, too, has discovered her head and also loves showing her tummy. They have both learned that word this week as well. She shrieks in excitement when we go to the park and she sees the swingset and other kids and loves to watch people. She does this little dance where she rotates her hands and feet in double time to show she is happy or excited.
She's got a little mischievous streak - she has always been the "toy snatcher" and if Claire has something she wants, she thinks nothing of scooting right on over and snatching it from her. We've been working on that a little bit, and she's eager to please and really tries to control her little habit. She knows when she is misbehaving and often looks at me with this little grin before I have to even correct her. She constantly chatters to herself in this little high-pitched voice, and says, "That" a lot and points to objects.
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