Saturday was the long-awaited girls' first birthday! It just so happened that their actual birthday also happened to be on the same day as their party, so we really lucked out for this first year. It was a pretty crazy busy last few weeks - hosting Christmas and making dinner, then New Year's, then one week later, the girls' birthday! I realized it will be like this every year, so I better get used to it!
I wanted to make their first birthday party extra special, and even though they won't remember it, hopefully they can look back at the pictures and see how we all celebrated!
Getting all dressed up for their "pink" birthday party! I didn't choose a theme because they really aren't into any TV characters (since they don't watch TV!) or other themes, so we just went with pink everything! My little princesses all dressed up...they weren't digging that tulle very much!

Still not crawling...but oh so close!

Content to just sit and take it all in...

They love standing up and looking into their toy box...Claire was looking out the window to see what a beautiful day it turned out to be!

Getting the food all ready...we went with mostly sweets, since it was a birthday party!

Homemade pink and white iced cupcakes!

The two special birthday girl's cupcakes.

The party food table - all ready to go!

Another angle of the table...plenty of food!

Daddy with Claire! All excited about her big day!

Look at all those presents!

Hanging outside during the festivities!

Uncle Ross and Aunt Jenny (Paul's brother and his wife) came to the party all the way from Dallas! We don't get to see them a lot, but the girls sure love them when they come!

Most of the whole crew...minus John (taking the picture), Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, and my cousin Lynda who came a little later. It was a great family gathering and the girls got so many nice gifts and surprises from everyone!
After looking through my pictures, I realized that everyone else took pictures of the girls opening presents and eating their cupcakes (so we do have those pictures, just not on my camera), but I had forgotten to delegate that job to someone since I was helping them eat and opening most of the presents myself! We did get a lot of videos of all that fun, so I'll try to post one of those...there was so much to remember to do and it all happened so quickly, so this was about as good as it got!
We are enjoying the girls' being one year old now and know this year will be full of changes as last year was. At least this year we get to start out sleeping through the night unlike this time last year! Very thankful for that change!
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