Last week, I noticed that Claire continually kept picking up the pink table to play with it. She is now pretty much obsessed with this pink table. Last Friday, she picked it up at 9am, took it into her crib with her and held onto it the entire time she was napping, put it down for lunch, then picked it back up again and held it the whole way in the car to the store, then continued holding it in the store and on the way home in the car. I finally took it away during bathtime, so that eventually she wouldn't take it in her crib at night. She loves this table!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Let's Table the Issue...
Last week, I noticed that Claire continually kept picking up the pink table to play with it. She is now pretty much obsessed with this pink table. Last Friday, she picked it up at 9am, took it into her crib with her and held onto it the entire time she was napping, put it down for lunch, then picked it back up again and held it the whole way in the car to the store, then continued holding it in the store and on the way home in the car. I finally took it away during bathtime, so that eventually she wouldn't take it in her crib at night. She loves this table!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Murphy's the Mall
Since she had not gotten back with me earlier, I was sort of thinking that maybe the photo shoot was off and I was so concentrated on the birthday hoopla, shopping for outfits got pushed to the back burner. Well, here it is, two days before the shoot, and I'm frantically trying to find something cute to wear! I know that we will all wear jeans, so that's settled, and I found a cute little top for the girls that I really liked; Paul is no problem because he can wear pretty much any color to coordinate with all of us.
Today, I set out to the mall to find something to wear. Well, five minutes out of the car, both girls started slightly fussing and wiggling in their stroller. No fear! Handing their sippy cups to them, I figured I had at least another 30 minutes before trying to figure out another distraction. Oh no, that was not in the cards for today. About 3 minutes later, the fussing turns into crying. I'm like, "Seriously, I JUST got to the mall after a 20 minute drive; give me a chance to even WALK into a store!" Where was Daddy when we needed him?
I started scrambling around, did manage to try on a couple of tops at one store, but between the crying and throwing of toys/keys/clothes/cell phone/jewelry (basically whatever I could distract them with), it wasn't too easy to see if I really liked the top or not. Growing more and more frustrated by the minute (I think all of us were at this point!), I start power-walking around the mall, zipping into stores and trying to find something that might work. This little sweetie (Claire) was egging on the other little sweetie, making it a super fun day for Mommy!
As the crying escalated and stares started coming my way, I just gave a huge, "Humph!" and stormed out! Of course, as I'm making my way out of the doors, we all get hit in the face with an arctic wind that must have blown in while we were inside, making the whole excursion even more perfect because we all had jeans and just a longsleeve shirt on - no jackets in sight. So I start running with the stroller into the wind, almost sink into a deep puddle of water, and finally get the girls loaded in the car. I'm sure I was making people chuckle if they saw me.
The next chapter to this story is that I'm heading back out tonight ALONE.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
You can call me Auntie...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Give me some space...
So, we've been spending a lot of time "reading" at home - I try to read out loud to the girls a little each day, but I also give them a lot of books to let them look at. They love those "touch and feel" books, but more than that, they just love turning pages constantly. I hope that they will love reading as they get older since I think it's the most valuable hobby in the world!
Now that the girls are a little older, they have been doing a great job "sharing" their toys and playing nicely. The only time where they have a little friction is when they get in each other's spaces. In the stroller the other day, Claire started playing footsie with Caroline and was cracking up, but Caroline didn't think it was so funny and started "fake" crying.
Both of them have perfected the art of the "fake" cry now, but I just look the other way when they do it. I will do anything NOT to encourage any more drama than necessary. Caroline is showing her demonstration of that here since Claire is kind of in her space. Poor Claire doesn't really know what to think!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
One Year Stats...
Claire at one year:
Height: 29.75 in (38%)
Weight: 19lb, 11oz (43%)
Head circumference: 17 in (7%)
Caroline at one year:
Height: 29 in (30%)
Weight: 19lb, 13oz (48%)
Head circumference: 17 in (7%)
Our "little" girls are doing great, especially for being preemies! It does look like they'll be wearing the 12 month size for a while since that goes up to like 24 pounds. They are still coming in about a month behind developmentally, but that will even out as they get older.
My favorite story about the girls is about weaning them off the bottle this week. For months, I was looking forward to getting rid of the bottle, and hating to wash so many of them each day, so I had started weaning them off a couple of feedings a few weeks ago, using a sippy cup instead. We were still feeding them with the bottle at nighttime, so I was a little worried about letting go of that last feeding. I asked the doctor, and she said that it would probably be 3-4 nights of h**l to get them off the bottle, so I was prepared Monday night for the transition. However, true to form, the girls did not even cry and went to bed perfectly without the bottle. Every night since then, it's like they didn't even miss it and they are doing just fine! So thanks again to my very, very easy babies for letting me off the hook on this one!
Probably my favorite thing about the girls' turning one so far is this:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Little Mommies
So far, they have enjoyed playing with their new babies. Caroline definitely seems more interested and will grab her baby from the stroller and really look at it and hug her close.
Monday, January 10, 2011
One Year Birthday Madness!
I wanted to make their first birthday party extra special, and even though they won't remember it, hopefully they can look back at the pictures and see how we all celebrated!
Getting all dressed up for their "pink" birthday party! I didn't choose a theme because they really aren't into any TV characters (since they don't watch TV!) or other themes, so we just went with pink everything! My little princesses all dressed up...they weren't digging that tulle very much!
Another angle of the table...plenty of food!
After looking through my pictures, I realized that everyone else took pictures of the girls opening presents and eating their cupcakes (so we do have those pictures, just not on my camera), but I had forgotten to delegate that job to someone since I was helping them eat and opening most of the presents myself! We did get a lot of videos of all that fun, so I'll try to post one of those...there was so much to remember to do and it all happened so quickly, so this was about as good as it got!
We are enjoying the girls' being one year old now and know this year will be full of changes as last year was. At least this year we get to start out sleeping through the night unlike this time last year! Very thankful for that change!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
It's the Little Things...
Lately, Caroline has started clasping her hands above her head, and now she'll do it if I prompt her. Many times, she'll raise a toy above her head or hide one eye behind the toy to play a game with me. I've noticed, though, that just in the last month, they really seem like they are conversing with me, just without words!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Before and After...

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year 2011!
Last night, we took the opportunity to go out for dinner and a movie, and it was a fun, low-key night, a great chance to celebrate the new year just the two of us!