As the girls get older, their personalities have really begun to develop and come out. Both girls are really sweet - they love to snuggle and smile and just be with us. I really couldn't have asked for better babies; I feel pretty spoiled that they are both so sweet and even-tempered. Sure, they aren't perfect and have their moments, but overall, I feel that together they are easier than one very difficult baby! God was watching out for me for sure by giving me such sweethearts.
Claire is obsessed with this one light in our dining room- anytime she sees it, she grins like it is her best friend come to play. It makes me laugh so much that she is so enthralled with this light!

Claire's other obsession is screaming...she LOVES to scream! Not because she's mad or upset, but just to hear her own voice! Unfortunately, Mommy is NOT loving the screaming so much, so I'm having to help her learn to use her inside voice.

Caroline, on the other hand, is just silly and loves to make little faces and grin and grin. She's definitely a little less independent than Claire and watches my every move and is happy as long as she can see me or be near me. Her one mannerism that is quirky and hilarious is she clenches and unclenches her hands really quickly (almost like she's waving) whenever she gets excited or wants something really badly. She will just sit and do that for a very long time and it looks so funny!

Such a sweetheart and a little giggler!

Claire enjoys discovering new objects and "getting into" stuff, while Caroline is a major watcher. She loves studying people and when we go out and people say, "Hello," she just stares at them trying to figure them out.
While Claire seems pretty content to play alone and doesn't seem to notice if Caroline is there or not, Caroline is always trying to get Claire's attention and see what she's doing. Lately, Caroline has started tilting her head at me and at Claire almost like she's asking us an important question. They are both such a joy and just make my days full of laughter and fun. It's busy for sure and I'd never say that having twins is an easy job, but their sweet demeanor sure does make my life a lot less stressful and a lot more enjoyable!
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