We've taken the chance to go swimming about once a week when Paul is home to help, and last week, when I put the girls' swimsuits on, I practically had to wedge their arms through the straps, and when I took their suits off later, the suit had left major lines on them. So, I was trying to decide if I should just forget finding a second bigger suit and let them swim in their swim diapers only, or go ahead and buy a second suit for the rest of the summer. Seeing as how it's only early July and we still have a good two more months of swimming, plus, finding two swimsuits on sale for $4 each at Target convinced me to go ahead and take the plunge (pardon the pun).
Suit #2 was much easier to get on the girls and will be just perfect to last through the rest of the swimming season. The girls just decided to chill out a while before showing off their new suits at the pool:

Caroline is checking out her new suit and especially likes the little ruffle around the middle...

Claire is just glad she can breathe this week instead of being squeezed into her old suit!

After drying off, both girls wanted to lounge on the chair together and watch the other people swimming at the big pool. Overall, it was $8 well spent to ensure another few months' worth of splashin' summer fun!
They look adorable in their new suits. $4 suits.......wow, if only mommy suits were that inexpensive!!