Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Scooting Right Along!

This afternoon, I was trying to multi-task while the girls were playing on their blanket after they ate. I typically put them on their stomachs for a while until they get tired of that, then I flip them onto their backs so I can give them a toy or talk to them. I got them situated, then headed to our room across the hall to put up some things in a box from our closet. When I left them, they looked like this (notice Claire is holding Caroline's arm - she does that all the time now!):

Not three minutes later, I poked my head back into their room to make sure things were okay, and Claire was definitely not where I had originally left her:

I put both girls back on the blanket in their "starting position," headed back to my room again, and when I came back into their room a third time, I caught Claire leading the way with Caroline just a half-body's length behind. I guess the twins are officially mobile, so now the real fun begins!

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