Just in the last week or so, the girls have started discovering their surroundings a lot more with their hands and trying to touch whatever they can. They still can't totally connect the idea that their thumb is connected to their own hand; when they want to suck their thumb, they act like someone is pulling their hand away and just search and search for their fingers with their mouth, looking like Stevie Wonder with their mouths open and eyes closed. It's pretty amusing!
They are also discovering their own face with their hands, and love to figure out who that is that they're touching. Claire thinks she has it figured out, but she isn't ready to say yet whom she's found:

Unlike Claire, Caroline isn't too interested in her own face, but in her blanket and stuffed animals in her cribs. We keep a blanket rolled up like a burrito in the side of her crib to prop her against when she sleeps, and it looks like we won't be able to keep that there much longer. The last two times I've gone in to get her up from her nap, she has managed to wriggle her entire arm into the center of the blanket roll, which makes me curious to figure out how she managed to do that! Then, today when I went in there, she had this shocked look on her face because she had managed not only to wiggle her arm up into the roll, but she had also moved the entire blanket roll next to her head. I think she didn't know what to do next!
