I'm trying to help the girls along to new milestones, one including not cutting up their food into teeny tiny bites and maybe even graduating to eating sandwiches. I figure, they have all of their teeth and should be able to bite, but I've found that biting down is kind of a new concept for them. But, today, I thought I would jump right in, so I made them a very thin pbj sandwich so that the insides wouldn't ooze all over the place, and sure enough, they seemed to enjoy it. (I felt slightly guilty? bad? for introducing sandwiches at their age when they'll probably be eating them for a long time in the future, but that may also my own "sandwich phobia" that I've carried with me from grade school . Post traumatic sandwich syndrome.) Claire picked her square right up and took a real bite of her sandwich!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I'm trying to help the girls along to new milestones, one including not cutting up their food into teeny tiny bites and maybe even graduating to eating sandwiches. I figure, they have all of their teeth and should be able to bite, but I've found that biting down is kind of a new concept for them. But, today, I thought I would jump right in, so I made them a very thin pbj sandwich so that the insides wouldn't ooze all over the place, and sure enough, they seemed to enjoy it. (I felt slightly guilty? bad? for introducing sandwiches at their age when they'll probably be eating them for a long time in the future, but that may also my own "sandwich phobia" that I've carried with me from grade school . Post traumatic sandwich syndrome.) Claire picked her square right up and took a real bite of her sandwich!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Mystery Solved!
During the last few weeks, I've happened upon Caroline clinging to the learning house as she shakes it back and forth...hmmm, Hurricane Caroline just might knock it over one day and then we'll really have a mess on our hands!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Just Like Mommy
Watching them grow and learn always brings to mind the old argument: nature vs. nurture. How much of what they do is just innate or inherited vs. learning and living in our particular household. I tend to think it's a mixture of both these days, but it's really uncanny and interesting to watch!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Always Together
After a stressful and busy month, I decided to take a (permanent) break from blogging, only to discover that I missed taking pictures of the girls solely for the purpose of capturing those spontaneous, sometimes mundane, sometimes unseen, sometimes brilliant, moments of their young lives. I perused back through my pictures this month only to sadly discover that I was lacking in material - mainly because I had "turned off" the blogger in my head and I realized I needed to keep the blogger logged on so that I could remember these fleeting moments before they pass too quickly.
Lately, the girls have really enjoyed sitting side by side in various places around the house. I'll be cooking dinner in the kitchen, and I hear giggles trickling in from around the corner, and I peek around to see the girls sitting together reading, sipping their drinks, or laughing with (at) each other. Usually Claire sits down first, and Caroline follows her and sometimes sits so closely to her that their arms touch. Claire isn't sure why Caroline laughs at her so much - Caroline is so easily tickled that we all invent ways to get her rolling.
One of my favorite pictures - it's hard to tell, but Claire is grinning right back at Caroline - what sweet sisters and a special bond they already share, despite the 63 times a day that Claire starts screaming only to make Caroline start crying.
This pose makes them look so identical - our ob/gyn still pressures me to get them tested to find out for sure - are they identical or fraternal? We'll save up the $200 and do it someday...
Okay, I've had enough bonding time for now...off to do more exploring!
Thanks to all my readers for your patience the last few weeks! Life throws a few curveballs and makes things harder than they should be sometimes, but in the end, these little girls make everything better and I want to keep sharing glimpses of our lives that happen so quickly that they could be called insignificant, but in the end, they are momentous and worth remembering forever.